HAProxy and Nginx can be configured together to work as an SSL off-loader and a load balancer. Listed below are the steps to achieve the same on a CentOS instance.
running web servers on port 80
running HAProxy on port 8181
Configuring HAProxy
Install HAProxy.
yum install -y haproxy
Edit the HAProxy configuration to update the backend web servers and keep it at the basic log level.
global log local2 chroot /var/lib/haproxy pidfile /var/run/haproxy.pid maxconn 4096 user haproxy group haproxy daemon defaults mode http log global option httplog option dontlognull option http-server-close option forwardfor except option redispatch retries 3 timeout http-request 20s timeout queue 1m timeout connect 10s timeout client 1m timeout server 1m timeout http-keep-alive 30s timeout check 10s maxconn 3000 frontend fe_http option forwardfor except option httpclose bind *:8181 default_backend be_http backend be_http balance roundrobin option httpchk server ws_1 check port 80 server ws_2 check port 80
HAProxy doesn’t start logging on installation, it uses syslog for the same. To enable logging install rsyslog and add a configuration for HAProxy
yum install -y rsyslog
Create a configuration file for HAProxy logging
$ModLoad imudp $UDPServerRun 514 $template Haproxy,"%msg%\n" local2.info -/var/log/haproxy.log;Haproxy local2.notice -/var/log/haproxy.admin;Haproxy # don't log anywhere else local2.* ~
Edit /etc/sysconfig/rsyslog as below
Restart rsyslog and haproxy services. That sets up HAProxy to bind to 8181 and check the ports 80 for all the backend web servers that would be load balanced.
Configuring Nginx
Install nginx.
yum install -y nginx
Assuming the web servers would bind to default port 80, remove the default.conf in /etc/nginx/conf.d/. Copy the SSL certificate and private key to /etc/nginx/. Make sure to change the owner to nginx:nginx with mode 600 and 644 respectively.
Configure the default nginx server as below
error_log /var/log/nginx/ssl_error.log debug; access_log /var/log/nginx/ssl_access.log; upstream haproxy { server; } server { listen 443 ssl; ssl_certificate server.crt ssl_certificate_key server_cert.key server_name domain.com location / { proxy_pass http://haproxy/; proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; proxy_redirect default; proxy_redirect http://$host/ https://$host/; proxy_redirect http://hostname/ https://$host/; proxy_read_timeout 15s; proxy_connect_timeout 15s; } location ~ /\. { deny all; } } server { listen 80; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; }
Restart the nginx and haproxy services.
Any help regarding haproxy can be found here.